Marshall County
Soil & Water
Conservation District
NRCS Programs
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) accepts applications for their Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) on a continuous basis. The program offers contracts with terms that range from one year after practice implementation to ten years. Contracts offer incentive payments and cost share to reduce soil erosion, improve ground and surface water quality, and improve soil, plant and animal health. The program offers incentives on practices such as No-Till, Nutrient Management, Prescribed Grazing, Pest Management, Cover Crop, Conservation Crop Rotation, and many others. EQIP also offers payments on Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment or Renovations, Pasture/Hayland Plantings, Field Borders, Agricultural Waste Systems and many others.
EQIP can help prepare you for the future. If you are at all interested in this program, please stop by the USDA Service Center and talk to the NRCS about your interests in conservation.
The Wetlands Reserve Easement (WRE) is a voluntary program offering landowners the opportunity to protect, restore and enhance wetlands on their property for perpetuity. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides technical and financial support to help landowners with their wetland restoration efforts. The NRCS goal is to achieve the greatest wetland functions and values, along with optimum wildlife habitat, on every acre enrolled in the program. This program offers landowners an opportunity to establish long-term conservation and wildlife practices and protection. Funding provided for the program varies by county. Contact your local office for more information.
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to promote the conservation and improvement of soil, water, air, energy, plant and animal life, and other conservation purposes on Tribal and private working lands. Working lands include cropland, pasture, and non-industrial private forested land. The program is available in all 50 states, the Caribbean Area and the Pacific Basin area. CSP provides equitable access to benefits to all producers, regardless of size of operation, crops produced, or geographic location.
CSP supports ongoing stewardship of private, agricultural working lands and rewards those producers who are meeting the highest standards of conservation and environmental management on their operations.
NRCS is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.