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CUSTOM SEEDING - The Marshall SWCD does custom seeding using an all purpose 10' Haybuster drill and a 15' Great Plains drill.  These drills are ideal for the seeding of CRP, buffer strips, field borders and pollinator plantings as well as pasture renovations.  We supply the tractor and operator along with our drills.  We ask that you have your site prepped and ready for seeding and have your seed on location. The Marshall SWCD is also a seed dealer.  We offer quality seed, competitively priced.  In 2024, the SWCD did custom seeding of CRP CP-23A native grass plantings, CRP pollinator plantings, interseeding for pasture renovation and buffer strips.  Marshall SWCD also rents out a 10' Haybuster drill. 

TREE PLANTING PROGRAM - The District tree program added approximately 13,000 trees to the landscape of Marshall County in 2024.  Approximately 150 of the county's residents ordered trees and shrubs for their own plantings such as shelterbelt renovations, living snow fence, wildlife plantings or farmstead beautification.  The SWCD worked with landowners to plan and design 12 plantings in 2024 of trees planted within Marshall County.   

WATER FESTIVAL - The SWCD participated in the Northwest Minnesota Water Festival.  Students in the fourth grade from Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Red Lake, Norman and Pennington County participated in the two day event, one day in Marshall County and the next day in Polk County.  Students learned about Minnesota's water resources by participating in activities about groundwater, water quality, watersheds, flooding and other water related topics.  Approximately 585 students from 22 schools participated in the two day event.

ENVIROTHON - The Envirothon is an outdoor, hands on learning experience for high school students.  It consists of five learning stations dealing with soils, wildlife, forestry, aquatics and a current environmental issue.  Teams of 4-5 students answer 20 questions from each of the five stations.  The students also have to make a ten minute oral presentation.  

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105 South Division St
Warren, MN 56762
Tel: 218. 745. 5010 
© MarshallSWCD
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