Marshall County
Soil & Water
Conservation District
Mission Statement
To provide education, technical and financial resources to assist landowners to promote, protect, and preserve our land and water resources.

Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) are political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, established to carry out programs for conservation, use and development of soil, water, and related resources. Leadership and governance is provided by a board of five locally elected SWCD District Supervisors. SWCDs cooperation between state, federal and local resource management agencies.
The Marshall County SWCD was established March 20, 1957. Since then, it has been our mission to encourage the wise use of land and water and to treat these resources according to their needs. The Marshall SWCD staff assists landowers with natural resource concerns. The SWCD is co-located with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS).

CRP planting in Rollis Township. Pollinator planting in Foldahl Township.
Business Hours
Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Board Meetings
Third Wednesday every month at 8 am in the SWCD meeting room, Warren, MN
Click on District Programs - Tree Program for Tree Order Form
Aquatic Invasive Species
The Marshall SWCD along with Curt Quesnell from the NCOR Guide Service have entered into a promotional partnership to bring awareness to aquatic invasive species. These species cause harm to our environment, economy, and health. Watch for the NCOR Guide boat with the Clean, Drain and Dry wrap at Lake of the Woods boat landings, at hot spots on the water, and at area parades and festivals this year.